Are you one of those people who postpone taking medication for as long as possible? There are several chemical-free home cures for sore throats. Here are the top tips.
When the throat bites and scratches, lollipops are always a good first aid. In fact, your throat hurts because the mucous membranes are very dry. Sucking a sweet increases saliva production and moistens the mucous membranes. Cough drops, whether eucalyptus or sage, are an effective first-line treatment for a sore throat.
Drink A Lot
Regular drinking also moisturises the mucosal membrane. The liquid also decreases the sensation of itching. It is recommended to drink hot herbal tea, as it has a relaxing effect. This also applies if you have a cough. When suffering from a cold, it is best to stay hydrated.
Warm Milk With Honey
This household remedy is perennially popular, which is no surprise given that it is effective, healthful, and delicious all at once. Warm milk is useful for soothing irritable mucous membranes. Honey has chemicals that provide pain relief. Milk also increases mucus production. Do not heat milk and honey together, as the nutrients in honey will be lost. Instead, mix the honey into the ready-to-drink warm milk. Warm milk with honey is best consumed before going to bed because it can induce sleep. However, this medication should only be used for a sore throat, not a cough with mucus expectoration.

Gargling is excellent for your throat. Your granny already knew that. The gargle recipe has remained unchanged: it is recommended to gargle with salt water, which has a disinfectant effect. If you like a savory flavor, gargle with sage or chamomile tea. These have anti-inflammatory properties.

Neck Wrap
Long before there were throat sprays, lozenges, and pain relievers, you covered your throat in thick compresses before going to bed. This free home cure for a sore throat is ageless and effective: Soak a linen cloth or towel in warm water and wring out. Wrap a dry towel over your neck and cover it with a thick scarf. Now lie in bed and pull the warm duvet up to your chin, allowing the warmth around your throat to last as long as possible. The heat helps your throat heal. By the way, this is exactly what happens when you have a sore throat: wear a scarf to keep your neck warm at all times, including when sleeping.

Preventive Measures Against Sore Throat
When you have colds on a regular basis, you already know you need to work your immune system. You’re undoubtedly also aware that this works best with a nutritious diet and regular exercise. Perhaps you were unaware that you could actively prevent mucous membrane dehydration. After all, this creates a painful throat. Always drink plenty of fluids. Sport and sauna sessions also help to keep the mucous membranes moist.